Graduation is a special time for students of all majors. It’s a time to reflect on one’s educational journey and accomplishments. It’s a time to celebrate with family and friends. And, for most graduates, it’s a time to look toward the future and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.
For engineering majors, in particular, commencement weekend brings one additional opportunity: the chance to commit oneself to upholding the standards of the engineering profession through a special ceremony known as the Order of the Engineer.
Established in 1970, the Order of the Engineer “was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer,” according to the Order.
Since the Order’s founding more than five decades ago, hundreds of universities across the nation have hosted induction ceremonies during which graduate and registered engineers take part in accepting an oath, known as the Obligation of the Engineer, and receive a stainless steel ring as a visible and enduring symbol of their commitment to the profession. Although the ritual has been a time-honored tradition at other engineering schools, it was not until this year that The University of Alabama College of Engineering adopted the practice.
At the suggestion of Dean Clifford Henderson, the College decided earlier this year that it would begin hosting Order of the Engineer induction ceremonies for its graduates, faculty and alumni. With the College’s inaugural induction ceremony set for May 2023 to coincide with this year’s spring commencement, preparations began taking place to make this ceremony a special part of the College’s graduation festivities.
A venue was secured. Inductee rings were purchased. The ceremonial ring, through which inductees place their hands and receive their individual ring, was ordered. There was only one problem. Due to ongoing production delays from the COVID-19 pandemic, the large, ceremonial ring that is usually distributed by the Order of the Engineer organization was on backorder and would not be produced in time for the College’s ceremony.
With the ceremony date quickly approaching, it was readily apparent that it was time to seek an alternate solution for producing a ceremonial ring. And that’s when the College’s foundry stepped in. The director of the foundry, Dr. Charlie Monroe, foundry research associate Mike Eddins, and MTE student Griffin Beasley jumped into action and quickly devised a plan.