1803064, Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference poster presentation, shot 03-29-18
The conference is a premier annual event, giving undergraduates the chance to highlight their research or creative activity.
By Associated Engineering Press
1803064, Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference poster presentation, shot 03-29-18
The conference is a premier annual event, giving undergraduates the chance to highlight their research or creative activity.
In 1837, The University of Alabama became one of the first five universities in the nation to offer engineering classes. Today, UA’s College of Engineering has more than 5,200 students and more than 170 faculty. In recent years, students in the College have been named USA Today All-USA College Academic Team members, Goldwater, Hollings, Portz, Boren, Mitchell and Truman scholars.
Author: Associated Engineering Press / Posted on: May 18, 2018 / Posted in: Awards and Honors, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Events, Faculty and Staff, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Research, Students, UA News / Features: Dr. Chris S. Crawford, Dr. Christopher S. Brazel, Dr. Gregory B. Thompson, Dr. Joshua A. Bittle, Dr. Luke N. Brewer, Dr. Sevgi Zubeyde Gurbuz, Dr. Shreyas S. Rao, Dr. Todd Freeborn, Dr. Yonghyun (John) Kim