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According to Rhonda Stricklin with the University of Alabama’s center for advance public safety this move not only will help prevent cars from crossing the median, but it will also help…
Source: Fox 6 (Birmingham) / Published: November 3, 2017 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Public Safety, Faculty and Staff, In The News / Features: Rhonda Stricklin
These teachers were at the University of Alabama for the 2017 Alabama Teachers Computer Science Summit, learning about how to bring a new advanced placement computer science course into classrooms. Statistics…
Source: Fox 6 (Birmingham) / Published: November 2, 2017 / Posted in: Computer Science, Events, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Outreach / Features: Dr. Jeff Gray
Sandwiched between the infrared and microwave parts of the electro-magnetic spectrum lies the terahertz window — a valuable and largely untapped portion of energy that can reveal a huge variety…
Source: Photonics Media / Published: November 1, 2017 / Posted in: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty and Staff, In The News / Features: Dr. Seongsin (Margaret) Kim
Storm shelters are an expensive and time-consuming add-on when building a home. To save time and money, sometimes homeowners and builders skimp on the protection they provide from high-winds from…
Source: / Published: October 28, 2017 / Posted in: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Outreach, Research, Students / Features: Dr. Michael E. Kreger, Dr. Wei Song
Advanced technology to make traveling safer and more efficient is the focus of a new project led by the University of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Transportation. Tuscaloosa is…
Source: Roads and Bridges / Published: October 27, 2017 / Posted in: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Mechanical Engineering, Research, Students / Features: Dr. Alexander Hainen, Dr. Bharat Balasubramanian
Could homeowners have protection from high winds at a more affordable price than traditional storm shelters provide? Answering that question is the goal of research inside an innovative University of Alabama lab designed to help the construction and insurance industries.
Author: Adam Jones / Published: October 25, 2017 / Posted in: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Faculty and Staff, Research, Students, UA News / Features: Dr. Michael E. Kreger, Dr. Wei Song
More than 70 high school teachers from across Alabama will participate in a two-day computer science workshop Oct. 27-28 at The University of Alabama.
Author: David Miller / Published: October 24, 2017 / Posted in: Computer Science, Events, Faculty and Staff, Outreach, UA News / Features: Dr. Jeff Gray
Advanced technology used to make traveling safer and easier is the focus of a new project led by The University of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Transportation.
Author: Alana Norris / Published: October 23, 2017 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies, Faculty and Staff, Research, Students, UA News / Features: Dr. Bharat Balasubramanian
An engineering researcher at The University of Alabama is part of a project garnering international attention to potential sites for future habitats on the moon.
Author: Adam Jones / Published: October 18, 2017 / Posted in: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Faculty and Staff, Research, UA News / Features: Dr. Rohan Sood
The University of Alabama National Alumni Association has announced the 2017 recipients of the University’s highest honor for excellence in teaching – the Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Awards.
Author: Richard LeComte / Published: October 17, 2017 / Posted in: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Alumni, Awards and Honors, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Events, Faculty and Staff, UA News / Features: Dr. James Paul Hubner, Dr. Kenneth G. Ricks
In 1837, The University of Alabama became one of the first five universities in the nation to offer engineering classes. Today, UA’s College of Engineering has more than 5,800 students and more than 150 faculty. In recent years, students in the College have been named USA Today All-USA College Academic Team members, Goldwater, Hollings, Portz, Boren, Mitchell and Truman scholars.