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The University of Alabama licensed the technology behind a collapsible sideline tent designed to give better medical care to athletes to a spin-off company that will develop, market, manufacture and distribute the tent.
Author: Associated Engineering Press / Published: June 7, 2016 / Posted in: Faculty and Staff, Mechanical Engineering, Outreach, Research, Students, UA News
Computer science plays a major role in contributing to an innovative and competitive workforce. So says Hartselle High School computer science teacher Bucky Garner, whose school district is looking to…
Source: Decatur Daily / Published: June 6, 2016 / Posted in: Faculty and Staff, In The News, Outreach / Features: Dr. Jeff Gray
SME also announced the winners of the Dick Aubin Distinguished Paper Award for “Contact-Free Support Structures for Part Overhangs in Powder-Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing,” written byKevin Chou, PhD, and Bo…
Source: WDRB 41 / Published: June 2, 2016 / Posted in: Faculty and Staff, In The News, Mechanical Engineering, Research
Could this be the year? The year the “hurricane drought” ends for the U.S.? The year the double red flags are dusted off, the plywood hammered over the windows and…
Source: / Published: June 2, 2016 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Public Safety, Faculty and Staff, In The News / Features: Dr. Laura Myers
Sixteen University of Alabama undergraduate researchers have received recognition through the Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program. The program recognizes the best research activity conducted by UA undergraduates, who are nominated by faculty and staff research directors.
Author: Associated Engineering Press / Published: May 2, 2016 / Posted in: Awards and Honors, Faculty and Staff, Research, Students, UA News
The University of Alabama College of Engineering’s Dr. John Baker, head of the department of aerospace engineering and mechanics, is the 2016 T. Morris Hackney Endowed Faculty Leadership award recipient.
Author: Associated Engineering Press / Published: April 27, 2016 / Posted in: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Awards and Honors, Faculty and Staff, UA News / Features: Dr. John Baker
Five years after one of the deadliest tornadoes ripped through Tuscaloosa and other parts of Alabama, people are still dealing with the emotional and physical effects. “A large number of…
Source: WBRC Fox 6 / Published: April 27, 2016 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Public Safety, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Research / Features: Dr. Laura Myers
After Moore, Okla., got hammered by its third monster tornado in 13 years, Mayor Glenn Lewis had had enough. He pushed to make Moore the first U.S. city to beef…
Source: Chattanooga Times Free Press / Published: April 25, 2016 / Posted in: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Research
In April five years ago, walls came down. Fences fell, splintered and sprawled. Canopied urban forests blew away in jagged moments; even trees sunk deep in ravines snapped. Growth-marks carved…
Source: The Tuscaloosa News / Published: April 25, 2016 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Public Safety, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Outreach, Research / Features: Dr. Laura Myers
During severe weather, most people get their forecasts and weather information from TV meteorologists like ABC 33/40’s James Spann. But those forecasts start far earlier. It’s a beautiful spring day…
Source: Alabama Public Radio / Published: April 22, 2016 / Posted in: Center for Advanced Public Safety, Faculty and Staff, In The News, Research / Features: Dr. Laura Myers
In 1837, The University of Alabama became one of the first five universities in the nation to offer engineering classes. Today, UA’s College of Engineering has more than 5,800 students and more than 150 faculty. In recent years, students in the College have been named USA Today All-USA College Academic Team members, Goldwater, Hollings, Portz, Boren, Mitchell and Truman scholars.